French bulldog wearing a lifejacket on a kayak

Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe When You Take Them on Vacation

When planning a vacation, including your pet in your travel plans is always fun. While you wish to take your pet with you on a vacation so that they enjoy the time there as much as you do, you also have to consider several other factors, such as their safety during the entire trip. Remember, you are going to take them out of their comfort zone.

They will stay in a hotel with you and travel on unknown streets they are not familiar with. When they are anxious, they might tend to behave a bit more erratically than they usually do. Hence, a few safety measures always come in handy to ensure your pet is safe and secure throughout the trip.

In this article, we are going to take you through a few important tips that will help you keep your pet safe during the vacation. 

1. Choose a Pet-Friendly Stay:

When you choose the stay for your trip, ensure it is pet friendly. A few hotels call themselves pet friendly but are just pet tolerant. This means that they do not consider giving extra provisions for the pet. There are a few pet-friendly hotels that consider the safety and requirements of the pet and design the room accordingly.

When I took my pet with me on vacation in Barcelona, I stayed at a place that was not just pet accommodating but had several provisions in the room for the pet’s safety. For example, they installed a small pet gate on the room door so that the pet does not escape when the door is opened. 

I have been using an under bed blocker in my house for a very long time to prevent my pets from bringing dog toys underneath the bed. I was pleasantly surprised to find the same installed in the pet friendly hotel where we stayed during the vacation. It seemed as if they had truly considered designing their room, keeping pets in mind.

2. Plan Your Local Travel Routes Carefully:

Strolling with your pet on an overcrowded street can be a hassle for you and your pet. Some people are uncomfortable when pets are around; hence, you must remember that. 

On the other hand, your dog will always be enthusiastic about traveling to new places, and walking is their favorite thing. They would want to sniff every person and thing on the road which is unfamiliar to them. It is still manageable to control the dog when it is a small breed, but when traveling with a large dog, it can be really tough to control your dog as it will start to pull a lot when they find something new and exciting, even when your dog is leashed trained it can happen in a new place. Hence, it is always good to keep them on a short leash. 

The best solution is to avoid overcrowded streets. You can also travel through these areas early in the morning or late afternoon when it is less crowded. You can also take a cab when needed for long distances.

3. Use an Appropriate Carrier:

When you go on a vacation with your pet, you will most probably fly to the destination. You will obviously need to invest in a pet carrier. Research the one that fits your pet’s needs the best. The size of the pet carrier should be chosen carefully. It should not be too small, which will make your dog uncomfortable inside, but it also should not be very large. That gives them too much space for movement. Most importantly, do not skimp on the quality as you may have to take long flights to reach the destination. Your pet should be comfortable inside the crate. Hence, you must make your dog practice at least a month or two before staying inside the crate without making a fuss. It will keep them comfortable inside the carrier during the travel, and they will not feel threatened.

When you travel locally with your dog, you can also carry a pet stroller if you plan to walk long distances. This will be especially useful when you are passing through crowded places. You may be comfortable with long walks, but if your dog has mobility issues or is a small breed that cannot do that much physical exercise, a stroller can come in handy rather than carrying the dog yourself.

4. Add Identification Tags on Pet’s Collar:

While the thought of losing your pet is scary, you always have to consider all possibilities while traveling with your pet. Hence, to cover all your bases, also consider a scenario where if someone finds your pet, they need to be able to return it back to you.

Adding a name tag on your pet’s collar, along with your contact details, is really going to help them if they are trying to reach out to you. Also, micro-chipping your pets is mandatory. 

Further, you can add a GPS pet tracker to your pet’s collar. On walks, your dog may get excited to see squirrels and start chasing them. As you are in a new place, your pet cannot find its way back home on its own. This is where a GPS tracker can come in handy when trying to locate your pet. You will exactly know their location and can find them out easily.

5. Carry Basic Medications:

When we travel, we carry additional medication for emergencies. You should also do the same and travel with your pet. Contact the vet and ask for essential medications that can come in handy if your pet falls sick or gets injured during the vacation. Keep your vet’s number on your speed dial list so that if and when required, you can call them immediately and ask them about the line of treatment that needs to be done. Also, find a local vet before your vacation starts and save the number on your phone. This is a smart way to ensure you can contact the vet in an emergency without wasting any time. 

The Bottom Line:

The gesture of stretching your budget to fit your pet with you on your travel is noble. You are trying to create memories with your beloved pet and make their time in the new place memorable. When taking your pet out of its comfort zone, many hazards and factors can harm your pet. Keeping in mind a few precautions, as mentioned above, can help you enjoy the vacation without worrying about your pet’s safety. 

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